DIY Stair Step Pencil Holder with Sticky Note Pad

DIY Stair Step Pencil Holder with Sticky Note Pad

Need a new project that will not break the bank and is great for beginners? Make this DIY (do-it-yourself) Stair Step Pencil Holder with a Sticky Note Pad for under $20 (excluding welding supplies) with the help of Forney!


– 1 Forney Welder: 140 FC-I (Item# 261), 140 MP (Item# 271), or 100 ST (Item# 298)
– Shielding gas, regulator, hose (for the 140 MP)
– 7 in 1 Welper Pliers
– PPE (Personal Protection Equipment, helmet, jacket, gloves, safety glasses)
– Chop saw (or Band Saw/ Angle Grinder)
– Bench Grinder or Angle Grinder
– Collection of small welding tools
– 1 Forney ITEM# 49620 ¼” x 4” x 12” plate or similar scrap piece
– 1 Forney ITEM# 49530 1-1/4” x  4’ square tubing

Follow these 7 simple steps and you’ll be done with this project before you’re finished saying, Forney Easy Weld!

Step 1:
Cut the ¼” plate into three pieces: one approximately 8”, another approximately 3.75” (slightly wider than a sticky note), and one 0.25” (to support the sticky notes). Use a chop saw for this.

Step 2:
Cut the 1¼” tube into seven 1” sections and one 2” section. These will form a pencil holder. Ensure your cuts are uniform and straight.

Step 3:
Clean up all the metal pieces with a bench grinder or angle grinder, removing any sharp edges and burrs.

Step 4:  
Align the 3.75” section of the plate at a about a 20° angle toward you on the right front side of the 8” plate and weld the angled plate to the flat plate. Take the 0.25” section and align it to the bottom of the 3.75” plate and weld it to the angled plate. This small piece will support your sticky notes.

Step 5:
Align the 2”-high section of the tubing with three 1” sections in a 2×2 window-like orientation on the left side of the plate. Use a magnet to hold them in place, ensuring all pieces are centered on the main plate. Tack the insides of the tube to the plate for a seamless look. Then, weld around the perimeter of the tubes.

Step 6:
Offset a 1” section from the 2” section to create the staircase effect. Hold the piece straight and level, using a welding magnet if needed. Tack each side of the tube.

Step 7:  
Repeat step 6, continuing the staircase until the final piece is above the 2” section. Your finished project should look something like this:

And there you have it!  A custom stair-step pencil holder with a sticky notepad, all for under $20! Always be sure to go back and clean up any sharp edges before putting your new pencil holder to use!


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